October Creativity
The most creative month for creators of all ages is October...and then, it ends on Halloween. Grab your smartphone cameras!
Fall arrived last month but October is a whole other new level of meaning for creators.
The leaves on many trees turn orange. There are brown and orange themes all over town as stores decorate for Halloween. For many places, it's sweater season. Pumpkin spiced lattes and treats abound.
But October is a season for creativity too.
Authors enjoy sitting and writing with the glare of a cloudy light shining through the window. Readers enjoy reading by a warm fire or cuddled up on their favorite chair or the couch.
Moms and dads are helping their children and friends' kids craft some fall art. Taking out the winter sweaters and socks...are you feeling it yet? Do you smell the soup in the crock pot slowly cooking, the fruit pies baking? Apple Cider in your cup?
The most creative season is hypnotic in the way it provides so much creativity.
My favorite part of October is the creative production we embark on.
Everyone who decorates their home for Halloween is a set designer. Everyone who plays the sound tracks of music like "The Monster Bash" and sound effects like chains and ghostly screams, is a sound mixer. Those who help with makeup and costumes are the wardrobe and makeup crew. Then, then there are the actors of all ages. Amused by their own characters and wear, and happy to play the part.
And then comes the director and cinematographer. That's all of us!
If you have a smartphone, it has a camera. Don't just grab a video as if you're capturing a photo for a moment to look at later. Think bigger!
I was out and about on Halloween with some trick-or-treaters and wouldn't you know it, there were stories and sights and sounds all around me worth capturing.
I had no microphone, not even ear pods. I had no hand-held stabilizer...nothing. But I had my iPhone XR.
With the permission of parents and a homeowner, I captured some content and the next day, I brought it into my Macbook, and then edited a little video with iMovie and added some music I composed with GarageBand.
I enjoy chatting with strangers, sometimes digging out some stories from them. In another life I was a reporter of sorts.
I hope you enjoy watching the video!
Are you making videos and films using your smartphone camera? Submit it to the International Mobile Film Festival in San Diego, California to screen during the 13th edition April 2024.
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