Why do I follow you? Because you've made it your mission against great odds to bring into everyone's hands the power of storytelling using the most powerful storytelling medium - film.
Film transcends colour, cast, creed - & literacy. So your service to this medium is literally a service to all of humankind. In this instance - that's not an exaggeration.
It’s always wonderful to hear people who understand the power of storytelling through film. The awareness that everyone has the ability to make films is real. I’ve witnessed people make films that are so-so who kept making films and learning and then made amazing films and craft powerful stories. Thank you for following me, Arif! ✌️
Just found your randomly from that Substack chat and WOW... this post floored me! Excited to read more of your stuff.
Thank you, Seth! I appreciate you! 😊
Why do I follow you? Because you've made it your mission against great odds to bring into everyone's hands the power of storytelling using the most powerful storytelling medium - film.
Film transcends colour, cast, creed - & literacy. So your service to this medium is literally a service to all of humankind. In this instance - that's not an exaggeration.
It’s always wonderful to hear people who understand the power of storytelling through film. The awareness that everyone has the ability to make films is real. I’ve witnessed people make films that are so-so who kept making films and learning and then made amazing films and craft powerful stories. Thank you for following me, Arif! ✌️